We’ve Kicked Epic Goals, but there’s More Work to be Done

A Record Year

2022 was a record year for Gotcha4Life. We reached more people in more places than ever before.

It’s a team effort - deep thanks to our program partners at Tomorrow Man, Tomorrow Woman, and Man Anchor, our presenters, and supporters alike!


Here’s What we Achieved Together in 2022:

There’s Still More to be Done

We made a big impact. But as the stats below show, the ongoing need is even bigger. So we’re doing more in 2023. We will visit more schools, more sports clubs, and more workplaces than ever before. Every new conversation we inspire brings us closer to a more mentally fit Australia.

How You Can Help Build Mental Fitness

Every $40 donated, funds an extra place in a mental fitness workshop. Participants are given the tools to speak more openly about their feelings and experiences, build deeper connections and identify people in their life they can reach out to when things get tough. 


1. Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021)
2. National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021.
3. Mental Health Australia with Ipsos Public Affairs, Report to the Nation (2022) https://mhaustralia.org/report/2022-report-nation


Thousands of Stories, One Goal: Mental Fitness for All


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