Bonnie is Breaking World Records in the Name of Mental Fitness


Ex-ironwoman, dietician, coach, and Gotcha4Life Ambassador Bonnie Hancock is set to complete a 12,700km circumnavigation of Australia by surf ski to raise awareness and funds for Gotcha4Life.

We excitedly await her return to land, as she will paddle into Northcliffe Beach, Gold Coast, this Sunday morning (28th August). 

This world record-breaking act, dubbed the Shaw and Partners Paddle of Australia, will make Bonnie the first Australian woman to paddle around mainland Australia. She will also be the youngest person to complete this daring feat at just 32 years old.

If that’s not impressive enough, Bonnie will also be the fastest person, taking only 254 days to complete the trip. Her fastest day – where she paddled 213kms in 24 hours – makes her the fastest female on a surf ski in the world. 

So why did she do it? Eight months paddling alone in a flimsy surf ski, enduring rough seas and scary fins for company, is no small feat. It takes a lot of grit and mental fitness, Bonnie says,

“As an ex-ironwoman and all-around fitness enthusiast, I have always focused on my physical health to ensure I perform at my peak. Being fit and healthy not only means physically but mentally too.”

“In a year where the importance of mental health has never been so critical, I want to do my part in raising awareness and vital funds for Gotcha4Life.”

Bonnie’s own mental fitness was tested through the course of the paddle, saying:

“One of the biggest challenges was trying to find opportunities to take in the beauty of my surroundings and to enjoy the experience while being so physically drained and fixated on the end goal.”

Yet, she pushed through and is well on her way to achieving her goal of raising $100,000.


Bonnie’s paddle is an inspiration for thousands of Australians, including all of us here at Gotcha4Life. The funds Bonnie raises will directly and positively impact our community by powering mental fitness workshops in schools, sports clubs, and communities Australia-wide. 

Just like navigating the seas of life, an adventure like this takes a village, Bonnie says,

“I would like to thank my sponsors to date, including Shaw and Partners, along with BMD, who have an extensive association with the BMD Northcliffe Surf Club, the club I spent many years competing at, and the place I will be finishing my paddle around Australia.”

If you want to help us cheer Bonnie home, be at the MD Northcliffe Club between 7 am – 8.30 am this Sunday. 


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