Jaimee Rogers All Set for Channel Swim

We’re endlessly inspired by our Gotcha4Life ambassadors – and Jaimee Rogers, SkyNews Big Sports Breakfast presenter who is taking on the English Channel this week is no exception!

This August, Jaimee will swim the English Channel to raise funds for Gotcha4Life and we can’t wait to watch this epic part of her adventure. Jaimee, whose busy schedule includes being a mum to two boys, has trained for two years to make this swim a reality.

Jaimee will set off from Folkestone Harbour and she will finish on the shores of Calais in France, Jaimee says,

"Swimming the English Channel will be just as much about mental fitness as it is physical. It’s the chance to partner with Gotcha4Life to raise awareness around the importance of mental health and funds that go towards support programs."


Not only will Jaimee’s swim inspire thousands of Australians, the funds Jaimee raises will go towards powering mental fitness workshops in schools, sports clubs and communities – directly making an impact.

Jaimee has shown incredible dedication, strength and perseverance in the lead up to her big swim – and we are with her every stroke of the way! Her swim preparation over the last 2 years has involved weights, pool and ocean swims, night swimming, Pilates, physio, sprint work and some long-distance swim sessions.

In a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph, Jamie explained her motivation to push this hard, saying:

“We only have one life. We may as well live it to the full.

‘Sports are a big part of my life. As a child, I struggled at school, and swimming became my outlet – not only did I enjoy it, but it turned out that I was pretty good at it, too. By the time I was 14, I was training for Olympic trials. 

‘Then, at 16, I broke my foot, and those dreams were shattered. I had to learn that even though I’d worked so hard and come so close, I needed to pick myself up and keep going. It built resilience. 

“During lockdown, I thought a lot about how the pandemic was affecting people’s mental health. So, when my husband made the – what I initially thought was crazy – suggestion that I swim the English Channel, it became not only a personal challenge, but an opportunity for me to increase awareness of mental health, a cause I’m passionate about.”

Jaime’s goal is to raise $50,000 for Gotcha4Life, while simultaneously raising awareness around the need to address – and lower – the suicide rate in the Australian community. With suicide the leading cause of death for people aged between 15 and 44, Jaimee knows that the time for urgent action is now.

Jaimee says that the 35km swim across the Channel will be a real act of endurance, with swimmers encountering 15 degree waters, choppy seas and jellyfish stings.

Another factor is that swimmers need to start the swim when the conditions are safe so this could mean swimming in pitch black darkness in the middle of the night.

Sound tough? It will be. Jaimee has inspired all of the team here at Gotcha4Life and so many others in the community – no matter what happens next, she’s part of the Gotcha4Life family and her generosity and strength will be long remembered. You can follow Jaimee’s English Channel crossing on her socials.

To support Jaimee to reach her fundraising goal, visit her fundraising page.


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