How Stepping Up in Your Most Important Relationships Builds Mental Fitness
“In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips”.
Salman Rushdie
Stepping up in your relationships can be one of the most powerful things you can do to build your emotional muscles.
Part of being human is our need for connection, and you won’t be surprised to know that your close personal relationships (a.k.a your village) play a vital role in your mental fitness.
Healthy, Close Relationships are a Powerful Part of the Mental Fitness Picture
Not only do the people who make up our village help to heighten the good times, they’re a source of strength and well-being during emotionally challenging times.
Take some time to answer the following questions:
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your relationships with those closest to you?
On a scale of 1-10, how proactive are you in maintaining positive relationships with those closest to you?
It’s Time for you to Get to Work on your Village
Below is a powerful exercise that our founder, Gus Worland has introduced us to. It’s simple, insightful and will take no longer than a few minutes.
It Can Often be the Most Important Relationships that we Take for Granted
Looking after your village is one of the most impactful things you can do to build your mental fitness - and theirs.
Want some help getting started? Sending a simple, unexpected text message can be the start of new conversations, and a deeper level of connection. Beyond that? Be brave, be vulnerable. What have you got to gain? We’ve got some examples to get you started below:
Ten Ways to Tell People in Your Village that you Love them

Want to learn small shifts you can make that will have a big impact?
Sign up to the free, and online Gotcha4Life Mental Fitness Gym, a place where you’ll find tools and inspiration to build your emotional muscles so you’re better equipped to navigate life’s ups and downs.